From locating credible solar installers in Kenya to getting your budget sorted, switching to solar power in Kenya requires a great deal of research. And while you may already be well aware of the benefits of solar, including lower energy bills and power independence from Kenya Power, Kenyans are often left wondering how durable solar panels are when it comes to Kenya’s chaotic weather and how does weather affect solar power in Kenya. 

Between scorching dry seasons and rainy months, Kenya endures some of the most intense weather conditions around, leaving many Kenyans to question whether their solar investment will be affected. So, are solar panels weather resistant, and can they continue to generate renewable energy even during harsh rain, wind and sun? Read on to find out how does weather affect solar power in Kenya!

How does solar power for homes work?

Your solar panels are composed of three main components: the photovoltaic panels, the inverter and a solar battery if you purchase one. During the day, your panels’ cells absorb sunlight, converting it into a direct current (DC). The inverter then converts the DC into an alternating current (AC), which flows into your home and powers your appliances. 

Given how solar panels generate electricity, many Kenyans believe that the dry season is when their system thrives and is at peak production. However, this is not always the case. In fact, the best weather for peak solar panel generation may surprise you!

Your solar panels are composed of three main components: the photovoltaic panels, the inverter and a solar battery if you purchase one. During the day, your panels’ cells absorb sunlight, converting it into a direct current (DC). The inverter then converts the DC into an alternating current (AC), which flows into your home and powers your appliances. 

The best weather for solar panels

When we talk about the best weather for solar panels, it’s more practical to think about it in terms of temperature, as this is a greater indicator of solar panel efficiency. Solar panels work from sunlight, not heat, so the sunlight hitting the panels directly is the most optimal for solar panels. Direct sun with no clouds is the best scenario and this determines how does weather affect solar power in Kenya. 

Most solar panel systems are tested for their performance at around 25 degrees, though they can work at peak efficiency during temperatures between 15 and 35 degrees. The heat level can determine their effectiveness, not necessarily the UV rating. The better your system performs, the more electricity can be generated. 

It’s important to note that even though solar panels perform better during lower temperatures, Kenya experiences long sunny days, which means generation levels are higher than during cold seasons.

Do solar panels work in cloudy weather?

Yes, but they may produce energy at a lower rate than on a sunny day. Think of it this way, anything that blocks sunlight from your panels, such as clouds, fog or shade, reduces the electricity your system produces. According to UN Renewable Energy Research, on a partly cloudy day, your panels’ electricity production can drop by 10% to 25%, depending on how frequently the clouds pass over your system. 

Reputable solar energy installers in Kenya will consider many factors when producing a quote for your own solar system, such as the type of roof you have, energy consumption and the weather conditions in your area. 

Solar panels work from sunlight, not heat, so the sunlight hitting the panels directly is the most optimal for solar panels. Direct sun with no clouds is the best scenario. 

Do solar panels work in the rain?

Yes, but its power production may not be at its highest, especially if heavy clouds are around. One benefit of rain on solar panels is that it is a low-effort, hassle-free way to clean your system. Consistent rainy weather can keep dirt, dust and other waste from covering your solar panels and blocking the sunlight.

For solar customers living in drier areas, you will need to clean your panels to prevent this waste buildup regularly. Qualified professionals best complete this task. As part of our service, Jesaton Systems offers ongoing maintenance to all customers. 

What about wind?

Wind can increase your system’s energy production by keeping your panels cool and reducing humidity levels — a major benefit to solar panel owners. Wind removes the water droplets that humidity causes on solar panels’ surfaces. These droplets reflect sunlight away from your solar panel’s cells, decreasing your electricity production and potentially the lifespan of your solar panels. 

Commercial solar panels — are these weather resistant?

If you’re like most business owners, you want to know that you’re getting the most out of your investment. Here at Jesaton Systems, we believe that no investment will deliver an ROI like solar panels, regardless of weather conditions. 

While your system may be larger than a typical residential solar panel system, it will still withstand changing weather conditions, keeping your commercial solar power production levels stable. 

Trust Jesaton Systems for durable and high-quality solar panels

If you’re looking for durable and reliable solar panels for your home or business in Kenya, look no further than the quality solar products available at Jesaton Systems. Our solar panel package is the ultimate solar solution for homeowners, broken down into four easy steps — GET Going, GET Control, GET Battery and a Ksh 0 power bill.

If you are interested in installing solar on your property or business in Kenya and East Africa, contact our solar experts on +254 715 020605 to discuss your options or get an obligation free quote directly from our website.


Upgrading your solar system in Kenya by replacing gel and lead acid batteries with lithium batteries can significantly improve its performance, reliability, and efficiency. By understanding the signs of battery degradation, implementing proper maintenance techniques, and choosing the right battery technology, you can ensure optimal energy storage for your home’s solar power system. Make the switch to lithium batteries in Kenya today by choosing the one that best suits your needs within our range!

Solar energy is one of the most significant environmentally friendly power sources that have been evolving for the past decade, especially in Kenya. When compared with the rest of the renewable energy resources, solar energy is the most viable and scalable option as you would only need roof space to install this resource where you can power sustainability for your home and your community.

By signing up for Jesaton Solar Power Solutions in Kenya, you can save up to 90% of your monthly energy bill and enjoy years of inclusive maintenance as we ensure you are getting the most out of your investment. If you are interested in learning more about home solar panels system & cost, contact us at   Call: 0715 020605


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